⌘ clic : Open in a new tab, instead of a new window.
⌘T : Open a new tab.
⌘⇧N : Open a new window.
⌘\ to show/hide the sidebar
⌘P to launch a search
⌘⇧L to switch dark/light mode
⌘ et n° : Switch from one workspace to another (does not work without numeric keypad)
@ to tag a person, a page, a date…
⌘B to bold
⌘I to italicize
⌘U to underline
⌘⇧S to cross
⌘E to put in red (code format)
⌘⇧E $to create an equation$
#␣ to make a level 1 title
##␣ to make a level 2 title
###␣ to make a level 3 title
-␣ to create bullet points
1 . ␣ to make a numbered list
[ ] to create a checkbox
> ␣ to create a toggle menu
" ␣ to create a quote
By combining #␣ and >␣ you can create level 1 toggle/folding menus (same with level 2 and 3).
You can also use the / and start typing the description of the desired layout, then ⤶ to validate (e.g. /page or /todo or /toggle → works with English and other languages versions of block names).
⌘⌥0 to transform into a text block
⌘⌥1 to transform into a level 1 title
⌘⌥2 to transform into a level 2 title
⌘⌥3 to transform into a level 3 title
⌘⌥4 to transform into a checkbox
⌘⌥5 to transform into bullet points
⌘⌥6 to transform into a numered list
⌘⌥7 to transform into a toggle menu
⌘⌥8 to transform into a code block
⌘⌥9 to transform into a page
esc to get out of a block
Entrée to get in a block (and edit)
↑↓ to navigate from one block to another
⇧↑↓ to extend your selection (and select several blocks using the keyboard)
Tab⇥ to indent (shift to the right)
⇧Tab⇥ to unindent
⌘⇧↑↓ to move the selected block(s)
⌘⇧P to move the selected block(s) to another page
⌘D to duplicate a block
⌘⇧M to add a comment
/red to color the line red
/blue to color the line blue
/yellowbackground colors the line background yellow
(works with all the colors in notion)
⌘⇧H applies the last color used to the selection
:name_of_the_emoji ⤶ to display an emoji
/emoji⤶ to navigate through all the emojis
To create separators of different colors and sizes, copy and paste them onto a new line and then change the color and size:
<aside> 👋🏻 I hope you like this shortcuts reminder and find it helpful !
Feel free to check out my other templates:
<aside> <img src="/icons/gift_blue.svg" alt="/icons/gift_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Freebies
<aside> <img src="/icons/star_blue.svg" alt="/icons/star_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Premium templates
<aside> <img src="/icons/warning_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/warning_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> This document was created by Marie Gautron WebOrga. It has been created for personal use. Any reproduction or commercial use is strictly forbidden without authorization.